Side Event “Presiding an International Court or Tribunal”
25 October 2017: The Hague Academy of International Law, in collaboration with the Permanent mission of Mexico to the United Nations and the Permanent mission of France to the United Nations, held its first “Side Event” on October 25th between 13:15 and 14:30 hours on the United Nations premises, in New York, on the occasion of the United Nations International Law Week.
The event was entitled “Presiding an International Court or Tribunal”. The conference was moderated by the Secretary-General of the Academy. The participants had the opportunity to hear the analyses of H.E. Judge Ronny Abraham, President of the International Court of Justice, and of H.E. Professor Tullio Treves, Member of the Curatorium, President of Arbitral Tribunals, former President of an ITLOS Chamber and Senior International Law Consultant, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost Colt & Mosle LLP.
Faithful to its tradition, the Academy’s event was held in English and French, with simultaneous translation, and a welcome buffet was provided to guests.
You can find the flyer of the Side Event by clicking on the link.