Scholarship Sponsors
The sponsors mentioned below generously allocate scholarships to the Academy allowing selected beneficiaries to attend the Summer or Winter Courses. All of our sponsors are regularly acknowledged in our annual reports.
- Andorra
- Austria
- Belgium – Wallonia-Brussels International
- China
- France
- Israel – Scholarships in memory of Shabtai Rosenne
- Jordan
- Philippines – Scholarships in memory of Justice Florentino Feliciano
- Slovakia
- Switzerland – Scholarships in memory of Emer de Vattel
- Thailand
- CERIC – Aix-Marseille University (France)
- City of The Hague (Netherlands)
- Department of International and European Law of the Doctoral School of Law of the Sorbonne (Paris 1 University Panthéon-Sorbonne) (France)
- Lutfia Rabbani Foundation (Netherlands) – Scholarships memory of Pieter Vreede
- OIF – Organisation internationale de la francophonie
- Pedone – Éditions Pedone (France)
- Rotary Club The Hague Metropolitan (Netherlands)
- SHELL (Netherlands)
- Société française pour le droit international – SFDI (France)
- Société québécoise de droit international (Canada)
- Stichting ter bevordering van internationaal privaatrechtelijk onderzoek – STIP (Netherlands)
- Sygna Partners (France)
- Université Laval (Canada)
- Université de Sherbrooke (Canada)
Private persons:
- P. Akhavan (Iran)
- G. Bastid-Burdeau (France) – Scholarship in memory of Jules Basdevant
- B. and C. Bot (Netherlands)
- H.E. Leonardo Brant (Brazil)
- C. N. Brower (United States)
- G. Chatzitheodorou (Greece)
- M. T. De Jesus Infante Caffi (Chile)
- G. and J. Dye (United States)
- D. P. Fernández Arroyo (Argentina) – Scholarships in memory of Julio A. Barberis and Tatiana B. de Maekelt
- S. Forch (Germany) – Scholarships in memory of Wolfgang Friedmann and Manfred Lachs
- Dame R. Higgins (United Kingdom)
- P. J. Kuijper (Netherlands) – Scholarships in memory of Hajo Frederik van Panhuys
- L. Malintoppi (Italy) – Scholarship in memory of Antonio and Paola Malintoppi
- M. Oyarzábal (Argentina) – Scholarships in memory of Hugo Caminos and Carlos Calvo
- E. W. Petit de Gabriel (Spain) – Scholarship in memory of Maria Teresa Comellas
- B. Roth (France) – Scholarship in memory of Ernst Frankenstein
- H.E. Nawaf Salam (Lebanon)
- I. Seidl-Hohenveldern (Austria)
- S. C. Symeonides (Cyprus)
- Prof. Jean-Marc Thouvenin – Scholarship in memory of previous Academy Secretary-Generals
- D. Turp (Canada)
- H. van Loon (Netherlands)
- M. Veissiere (France)
- E. Veltzé (Bolivia)