The passing of Professor Erik Jayme
It is with deep sadness that the Academy was informed of the passing of Professor Erik Jayme on 1st of May 2024. Professor Erik Jayme had been a Member of the Academy’s Curatorium from 1998 to 2016, and served as its Vice-President from 2004 to 2016.
He published four contributions in the Collected Courses of The Hague Academy of International Law, three in French and one in English : a Special Course on “Considérations historiques et actuelles sur la codification du droit international privé » (Vol. 177) ; a General Course titled « Identité culturelle et intégration: le droit international privé postmoderne » (Vol. 251), and Opening Lecture on « Le droit international privé du nouveau millénaire: la protection de la personne humaine face à la globalisation » (Vol. 282), and, finally the lecture he prepared on “Narrative Norms in Private International Law – The Example of Art Law” (Vol. 375), which he kindly gave during a summer session for partially replace a General Course that another Professor could not give.
Members and former Members of the Curatorium remember Professor Jayme as immensely erudite, an astute observer of (and sometimes a sharp and funny commentator on) the human condition, and, of course, a great jurist and extraordinary scholar. The Academy, the Members and former Members of the Curatorium express their sincerest condolences to his family and friends.