
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Panorama du droit international contemporain : cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1983
  • Author Virally, Michel
  • Volume 183
  • Pages 9-382

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La place du droit et ses limites dans le système commercial multilatéral du GATT

  • Year 1983
  • Author Long, Olivier
  • Volume 182
  • Pages 11-142

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Le contrôle par les organisations internationales de l’exécution des obligations des états

  • Year 1983
  • Author Charpentier, Jean
  • Volume 182
  • Pages 143-245

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The protection of minorities before the United Nations

  • Year 1983
  • Author Ermacora, Felix
  • Volume 182
  • Pages 247-370

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Commémoration du quatrième centenaire de la naissance de Grotius : conférences données = Commemoration of the fourth centenary of the birth of Grotius : lectures given

  • Year 1983
  • Author Ermacora, Felix
  • Volume 182
  • Pages 371-469

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Contrats entre états ou entreprises étatiques et personnes privées : développements récents

  • Year 1983
  • Author Lalive, Jean-Flavien
  • Volume 181
  • Pages 9-283

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Rules of public order in private international labour law

  • Year 1983
  • Author Gamillscheg, F.
  • Volume 181
  • Pages 285-347

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International space law in perspective : some major issues, trends and alternatives

  • Year 1983
  • Author Gorove, Stephen
  • Volume 181
  • Pages 349-409

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Legal trends in international lending and investment in the developing countries

  • Year 1983
  • Author Adede, Andronico Oduogo
  • Volume 180
  • Pages 9-168

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Contemporary developments in legal techniques in the settlement of disputes

  • Year 1983
  • Author Bowett, Derek William
  • Volume 180
  • Pages 169-235

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La loi applicable aux accidents du travail en droit international et en droit communautaire

  • Year 1983
  • Author Jambu-Merlin, Roger
  • Volume 180
  • Pages 237-294

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L’adoption internationale

  • Year 1983
  • Author Opertti Badan, Didier
  • Volume 180
  • Pages 295-411

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