
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1439 publications found

Parties to treaties – the right to participation

  • Year 1972
  • Author Lukashuk, I.I.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 231-328

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Les tendances contemporaines du droit privé maritime international

  • Year 1972
  • Author Rodière, René
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 329-409

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Introductory lecture on the law and the growth of international air transport

  • Year 1972
  • Author Hammerskjöld, K.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 413-430

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Sales agency contracts in the field of air transport

  • Year 1972
  • Author Lester, M. J.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 431-437

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Les conditions générales de transport de l’IATA

  • Year 1972
  • Author Legrez, François
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 439-452

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Air carriers’ liability in respect of passengers : from Warsaw 1929 via The Hague 1955 to Guatemala City 1971

  • Year 1972
  • Author Guldimann, W.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 453-478

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Antitrust and international airline co-operation

  • Year 1972
  • Author Thomka-Gazdik, J.G.
  • Volume 135
  • Pages 479-522

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Le cinéma et la télévision face au droit international privé

  • Year 1971
  • Author Nonnenmacher, Georges Gilbert
  • Volume 134
  • Pages 1-104

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Les relations consulaires et les fonctions du consul en matière de droit privé

  • Year 1971
  • Author Maresca, Adolfo
  • Volume 134
  • Pages 105-162

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Decision-making in the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance

  • Year 1971
  • Author Ustor, Endre
  • Volume 134
  • Pages 163-296

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Droit des traités à la lumière de la Convention de Vienne

  • Year 1971
  • Author Ago, Roberto
  • Volume 134
  • Pages 297-331

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Problems concerning the validity of treaties

  • Year 1971
  • Author Elias, T.O.
  • Volume 134
  • Pages 333-416

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