
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

The illegal diversion of aircraft and international law

  • Year 1973
  • Author McWhinney, Edward
  • Volume 138
  • Pages 261-372

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Le droit international et l’opinion publique

  • Year 1973
  • Author Merle, Marcel
  • Volume 138
  • Pages 373-412

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International organization and collective security : changing values and priorities

  • Year 1973
  • Author Gross, Ernest A.
  • Volume 138
  • Pages 413-453

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Economic and social change and the law of nations

  • Year 1973
  • Author Jenks, Wilfred
  • Volume 138
  • Pages 455-502

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La convention de la Ligue arabe sur l’exécution des jugements : étude comparative du droit conventionnel comparé avec le droit interne

  • Year 1973
  • Author Abdallah, Ezzedine
  • Volume 138
  • Pages 503-643

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La Ligue des Etats arabes

  • Year 1972
  • Author Boutros-Ghali, B.
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 1-81

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The reform of the Charter of the Organization of American States

  • Year 1972
  • Author Sepúlveda, César
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 83-140

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L’évolution de la réglementation de la guerre à la lumière de la sauvgarde des droits de l’homme

  • Year 1972
  • Author Migliazza, Alessandro
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 141-241

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Codification des principes du droit international des relations amicales et de la coopération entre les Etats

  • Year 1972
  • Author Sahovlc, Milan
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 243-310

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Problèmes relatifs à la protection de la personne humaine par le droit international dans les conflits armés ne présentant pas un caractère international

  • Year 1972
  • Author Wilhelm, René-Jean
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 311-417

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The normative role of the General Assembly of the United Nations and the Declaration of Principles of Friendly Relations

  • Year 1972
  • Author Arangio-Ruez, Gaetano
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 419-742

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La volonté des parties en droit international privé

  • Year 1972
  • Author Curti Gialdino, A.
  • Volume 137
  • Pages 743-938

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