
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Discussion of mayor areas of choice of law

  • Year 1964
  • Author Reese, W.
  • Volume 111
  • Pages 311-417

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La coordination des systèmes de L’ONU et de l’Organisation des états américains pour le règlement pacifique des différends et la sécurité collective

  • Year 1964
  • Author Jiménez de Aréchaga, Eduardo
  • Volume 111
  • Pages 419-526

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Traits généraux du contentieux administratif des Communautés européennes

  • Year 1964
  • Author Laubadère, A. de
  • Volume 111
  • Pages 527-601

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L’activité quasi-législative des institutions spécialisées des Nations Unies

  • Year 1964
  • Author Saba, H.
  • Volume 111
  • Pages 603-727

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Implementation of international protection of human rights

  • Year 1963
  • Author Golsong, H.
  • Volume 110
  • Pages 2-151

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La capacité en droit international privé

  • Year 1963
  • Author Capotorti, F.
  • Volume 110
  • Pages 153-270

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Régimes internes et organisation internationale

  • Year 1963
  • Author Ténékidès, Georges
  • Volume 110
  • Pages 271-418

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Comparative aspects of the general principles of private international law

  • Year 1963
  • Author Graveson, Ronald H.
  • Volume 109
  • Pages 1-164

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The relation of law, politics and action in the United Nations

  • Year 1963
  • Author Schachter, Oscar
  • Volume 109
  • Pages 165-256

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Conflicts of law and divergencies in the legal regimes of air space and outer space

  • Year 1963
  • Author Goedhuis, Daniel
  • Volume 109
  • Pages 257-346

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Les conflits de lois dans l’arbitrage international de droit privé

  • Year 1963
  • Author Goldman, Berthold
  • Volume 109
  • Pages 347-485

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La confiscation des biens étrangers et les réclamations internationales

  • Year 1963
  • Author Petrén, S.
  • Volume 109
  • Pages 487-607

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