
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Divers aspects de l’unification du droit international privé, spécialement en matière de successions

  • Year 1961
  • Author Overbeck, Alfred Eugène von
  • Volume 104
  • Pages 529-633

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L’efficacité des actes administratifs étrangers

  • Year 1961
  • Author Biscottini, Giuseppe
  • Volume 104
  • Pages 635-723

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Les relations extérieures des communautés européennes : contribution à la doctrine de la personnalité des organisations internationales

  • Year 1961
  • Author Pescatore, Pierre
  • Volume 103
  • Pages 1-244

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Reservations to treaties

  • Year 1961
  • Author Bishop Jr., William W.
  • Volume 103
  • Pages 245-341

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Intervention in international law : a study of some recent cases

  • Year 1961
  • Author Fawcett, J.E.S.
  • Volume 103
  • Pages 343-423

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Principes de droit international public

  • Year 1961
  • Author Reuter, Paul
  • Volume 103
  • Pages 425-683

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Some present aspects of sovereignty in international law

  • Year 1961
  • Author Korowicz, Marek Stanislaw
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 1-120

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Five lectures on Asia and the United Nations

  • Year 1961
  • Author Brohi, Allah Karim
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 121-213

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The relationship between public and private law and the rules of conflict of laws

  • Year 1961
  • Author Riphagen, W.
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 215-334

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The problems of foreign investment in international law

  • Year 1961
  • Author Shawcross, Q.C.
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 335-363

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Le problème des investissements a l’étranger en droit international

  • Year 1961
  • Author Shawcross, Hartley William
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 365-393

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La protection diplomatique des personnes morales

  • Year 1961
  • Author Visscher, M. Paul
  • Volume 102
  • Pages 395-513

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