
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

A half-century of efforts to substitute law for war

  • Year 1960
  • Author Jessup, Philip C.
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 1-20

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The comparative evolution of principles of the conflict of laws in England and the U.S.A.

  • Year 1960
  • Author Graveson, Ronald H.
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 21-118

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L’évolution de l’arbitrage commercial international

  • Year 1960
  • Author Carabiber, Charles
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 119-231

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Problems and methods in conflict of laws

  • Year 1960
  • Author Cheatham, Elliott Evans
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 233-355

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L’évolution du droit international humanitaire

  • Year 1960
  • Author Coursier, M. Henri
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 357-465

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Culpabilité en droit international pénal

  • Year 1960
  • Author Glaser, Stefan
  • Volume 99
  • Pages 467-593

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The strengthening of international law

  • Year 1959
  • Author Wright, Quincy
  • Volume 98
  • Pages 1-295

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International legal aspects of the operations of the World bank

  • Year 1959
  • Author Broches, Aron
  • Volume 98
  • Pages 297-409

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Les effets d’une nationalisation à l’étranger

  • Year 1959
  • Author Münch, Fritz
  • Volume 98
  • Pages 411-504

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Droit international cosmique

  • Year 1959
  • Author Quadri, Rolando
  • Volume 98
  • Pages 505-599

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La convention sur la pêche et la conservation des ressources biologiques de la haute mer

  • Year 1959
  • Author Gros, André
  • Volume 97
  • Pages 1-90

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The rights and duties of states

  • Year 1959
  • Author Alfaro, Ricardo J.
  • Volume 97
  • Pages 91-202

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