
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1956
  • Author Morelli, Gaetano
  • Volume 89
  • Pages 437-604

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La crise et les transformations du droit des gens

  • Year 1955
  • Author Kunz, Josef L.
  • Volume 88
  • Pages 1-104

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Jurisprudence des tribunaux internationaux en ce qui concerne leur compétence

  • Year 1955
  • Author Berlia, Georges
  • Volume 88
  • Pages 105-157

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L’Union interparlementaire et sa contribution au développement du droit international et à l’établissement de la paix

  • Year 1955
  • Author Boissier, Léopold
  • Volume 88
  • Pages 159-261

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Responsibility of states for unlawful acts of their armed forces

  • Year 1955
  • Author Freeman, Alwyn V.
  • Volume 88
  • Pages 263-416

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Historical development of international law : contemporary problems of treaty law

  • Year 1955
  • Author Oliver, Covey T.
  • Volume 88
  • Pages 417-525

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The international protection of freedom of association for trade union purposes

  • Year 1955
  • Author Jenks, C. Wilfred
  • Volume 87
  • Pages 1-115

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Recent developments of the principle of domicile in English law

  • Year 1955
  • Author Bentwich, Norman
  • Volume 87
  • Pages 117-190

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The fundamental principles of international law

  • Year 1955
  • Author Schwarzenberger, Georg
  • Volume 87
  • Pages 191-385

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La prescription en droit international

  • Year 1955
  • Author Pintor, Roger
  • Volume 87
  • Pages 387-455

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La Cour permanente d’arbitrage son origine, sa jurisprudence, son avenir

  • Year 1955
  • Author François, J.P.A.
  • Volume 87
  • Pages 457-575

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Contribution à l’étude du droit international fiscal actuel : le rôle des organisations internationales dans le règlement des questions d’impôts entre les divers états

  • Year 1954
  • Author Chrétien, M.
  • Volume 86
  • Pages 1-116

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