Centenary Celebrations of the Academy
On 24, 25 and 26 May, the Academy celebrated its Centenary in the magnificent Auditorium on the premises of the famous Peace Palace.
The Solemn sitting was opened on 24 May with a speech by the Secretary-General, Prof. Jean-Marc Thouvenin, in the presence of more than 330 guests. Eminent personalities from the Netherlands and around the world gave speeches, interspersed with musical interludes played by a talented string quartet.
After reflecting on the Academy’s achievements and the high regard in which its work is held, H.E. Mario Búcaro Flores, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala, awarded the Academy, on behalf of his State and by way of exception, the highest distinction, as a token of appreciation for its unique work. The award was received on behalf of the Academy by the President of the Curatorium, Prof. Yves Daudet, who then gave his closing speech on the future of the Academy. All guests were then invited to attend the reception organized with the generous support of the Republic of Guatemala.
You may view the video of the Solemn Sitting via this link.
The days of 25 and 26 May were devoted to a major Scientific Colloquium on the challenges facing international law at the time of the century. The Auditorium welcomed hundreds of guests, including judges from the World Court, ambassadors, leading figures in international law and alumni.
On 25 May, the guest speakers, most of whom had given a “General course” or a “Special course” at the Academy, presented their views on the greatest challenges facing public and private international law, based on two key ideas: the public interest in, and the humanization of, international law. On 26 May, the speakers addressed the themes covered in the latest books from the Centre for Studies and Research, responding to the most difficult questions of the day: Сan international law mitigate global financial crises? Is there “one” law applicable to arbitration? What can we expect from international inspections? Can and should extraterritoriality be contained? Can outer space be the common heritage of mankind? Can international law help combat epidemics? Does global warming force us to rethink international law?
While the Сentenary “May Сelebrations” have come to an end, international law, which must be able to respond to the challenges of our time, continues to evolve. Just like the Academy, the place where international law is discussed and taught, which is only at the beginning of its next Сentenary.