
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Le nouveau droit international privé turc

  • Year 1990
  • Author Sakmar, Ata
  • Volume 223
  • Pages 303-416

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L’évolution du droit international : cours général de droit international public

  • Year 1990
  • Author Thierry, Hubert
  • Volume 222
  • Pages 9-185

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Development of diplomatic law : selected problems

  • Year 1990
  • Author Nahlik, Stanislaw E.
  • Volume 222
  • Pages 187-363

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Soviet joint enterprises with capitalist firms and other joint ventures between East and West : the Western point of view

  • Year 1990
  • Author Carpenter Jr., Russell H.
  • Volume 222
  • Pages 365-421

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Judicial settlement of disputes : jurisdiction and justiciability

  • Year 1990
  • Author McWhinney, Edward
  • Volume 221
  • Pages 9-194

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International law in China : historical and contemporary perspectives

  • Year 1990
  • Author Tieya, Wang
  • Volume 221
  • Pages 195-369

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Soviet joint enterprises with capitalist firms and other joint ventures between East and West

  • Year 1990
  • Author Orlov, Lev N.
  • Volume 221
  • Pages 371-414

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Reform, but not revolution : general course on private international law

  • Year 1990
  • Author North, Peter M.
  • Volume 220
  • Pages 9-288

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Questions de droit international privé et dommages catastrophiques

  • Year 1990
  • Author Ballarino, Tito
  • Volume 220
  • Pages 289-387

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Le droit d’asile/The Right of Asylum

  • Year 1990
  • Author Zoller, E., et/and R. Plender
  • Volume 3
  • Pages 128

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Règles générales du droit des cours d’eau internationaux

  • Year 1989
  • Author Caflisch, Lucius
  • Volume 219
  • Pages 9-225

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Politics, law and force in the interstate system

  • Year 1989
  • Author Tunkin, Grigory
  • Volume 219
  • Pages 227-395

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