
In collaboration with Brill Publishers, the courses given at the Academy since 1923 are published in English or French as the Collected Courses and as Pocket Books. The Academy also publishes book series of the works of The Centre for Research and Study, and a variety of Monographs, Workshops and Special Editions. All publications can be ordered via Brill's website:

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1567 publications found

Aspects contemporains de la neutralité

  • Year 1967
  • Author Schindler, Dietrich
  • Volume 121
  • Pages 221-321

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General course on principles of international law

  • Year 1967
  • Author Jennings, R.Y.
  • Volume 121
  • Pages 323-619

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The principles of international law in the light of Confucian doctrine

  • Year 1967
  • Author Iriye, Keishiro
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 1-59

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La protection internationale des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé

  • Year 1967
  • Author Nahlik, Stanislaw E.
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 61-163

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Réflexions sur la coordination des systèmes nationaux

  • Year 1967
  • Author Batiffol, Henri
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 165-190

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Money in private international law

  • Year 1967
  • Author Krispis, E.
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 191-311

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The International Court of Justice and the United Nations

  • Year 1967
  • Author Gross, Leo
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 313-440

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The principles of international law in Buddhist doctrine

  • Year 1967
  • Author Jayatilleke, K.N.
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 441-567

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Problèmes relatifs à l’arbitrage international commercial

  • Year 1967
  • Author Lalive, P.A.
  • Volume 120
  • Pages 569-725

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The legal nature of the United Nations

  • Year 1966
  • Author Tunkin, Grigory I.
  • Volume 119
  • Pages 1-68

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Conflicts problems in air law

  • Year 1966
  • Author Bentivoglio, Ludovico M.
  • Volume 119
  • Pages 69-181

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The impact of science on international law

  • Year 1966
  • Author Mouton, M.W.
  • Volume 119
  • Pages 183-267

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